“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Permaculture in a Nutshell
Permaculture is a system of ecological design as well as a global movement of practitioners, educators, researchers, and organizers, bound by three core ethics: care for the earth, care for the people and care for the future. Permaculture integrates knowledge and practices that draw from many disciplines and links them into solutions to meet human needs while ensuring a resilient future, which render in an abundant yield to share and the outcome is healthy food and at the same time the restoring of the natural ecosystems.
The permaculture movement offers vital perspectives and tools to address catastrophic climate change.
Human-caused climate change is a crisis of systems—ecosystems and social systems–and must be addressed systemically. No single new technology or blanket solution will solve the problem. Permaculture employs systems thinking, looking at patterns, relationships, and flows, linking solutions together into synergistic strategies that work with nature and fit local conditions, terrain, and cultures.
By restoring the world’s degraded soils, we can store carbon as soil fertility, heal degraded land, improve water cycles and quality, and produce healthy food and true abundance. Protection, restoration and regeneration of ecosystems and communities are the keys to both mitigation and adaptation.
More about Permaculture
Permaculture is a design system that uses ecological principles, which can be applied to organisations, communities and economies to create a more harmonious and sustainable system of relationships.
"Permaculture is common sense made common again."
Permaculture is an integral part of an interconnected whole, it teaches us our responsibility to observe the world around us, consider its complexity and understand its patterns. Based on the ethical foundation of care for the earth, care for the people and fairshare.
Permaculture Design shows us a way, inspired by ecological understanding and principles, to create beneficial relationships and work with nature to regenerate and restore land, communities and our relationship to both.
Permaculture changes our perspective from scarcity thinking to finding abundance and wholeness in the interconnectedness of life, dignity in the resourcefulness of the human body and mind and empowerment in the ability to provide for our own most basic human needs; from food and shelter to companionship and purpose.
In this time of crisis, Permaculture offers us a practical, value-based design framework to take challenges and turn them into opportunities.
The Permaculture approach to systems design can contribute to creating the conditions for a culture of peace.
Permaculture is not about a low ecological footprint, but rather about the potential for humans to have a positive impact on our ecology. It shows how each one of us can play a role in building resilient,
resourceful, localised, low-carbon communities and contribute to a more peaceful world.
Permaculture is an innovative framework for creating sustainable ways of living.
It is a practical method of developing ecologically harmonious, efficient and productive systems that can be used by anyone, anywhere.
By thinking carefully about the way we use our resources - food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs - it is possible to get much more out of life by using less. We can be more productive for less effort, reaping benefits for our environment and ourselves, for now and for generations to come.
This is the essence of permaculture - the design of an ecologically sound way of living - in our households, gardens, communities and businesses. It is created by co-operating with nature and caring for the earth and its people.
Permaculture is not exclusive - its principles and practice can be used by anyone, anywhere:
City flats, yards and window boxes
Suburban and country houses/garden
Allotments and smallholdings
Community spaces
Farms and estates
Countryside and conservation areas
Commercial and industrial premises
Educational establishments
Waste ground
Permaculture, originally 'Permanent Agriculture', is often viewed as a set of gardening techniques, but it has in fact developed into a whole design philosophy, and for some people a philosophy for life.
Its central theme is the creation of human systems which provide for human needs, but using many natural elements and drawing inspiration from natural ecosystems. Its goals and priorities coincide with what many people see as the core requirements for sustainability.
Permaculture tackles how to grow food, build houses and create communities, and minimise environmental impact at the same time. Its principles are being constantly developed and refined by people throughout the world in very different climates and cultural circumstances.