“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Your Donations!

Kashmir Valley has seen over three decades of conflict and crisis, and the consequences of this have created degradation of the land, the soil, the environment, and the ecosystem, as well as the ravages of trauma on the communities, and the people living in the conflict zone.
Please help us to strengthen the grass roots movement in Kashmir, for the recovery, resilience and regeneration of land and the empowerment of the people and building the capacity of communities via education in nature-based solutions according to the framework of Permaculture.
You can choose below which project you would like to donate for!
With Gratitude & Appreciation from:
Green Kashmir Team
Trauma Informed Permaculture Team
Earth Kind CIC Team
Donate for Trauma Informed Permaculture (TIP)

In our work we have found that the ravages of trauma on the land, the soil, the environment, the ecosystem, the community, and the people living in a conflict zone requires a gentle touch and a patient, compassionate approach. A framework and system that is time hungry and requires small and slow solutions.
We hope that the scope of this humble foundation for communicating the power of Permaculture to create imaginative solutions in earth and human ecosystems and how the two can inter-relate to create nature-based solutions that are trauma informed for recovery and resilience.
We developed a trauma informed approach to include healing the land and healing people.
(TIP) Trauma Informed Permaculture is an innovative and ground-breaking approach to Permaculture in conflict zones where a fusion of hope and healing come together for recovery, resilience and regeneration of the land, and its people.
Green Kashmir uses a multi-disciplinary whole systems approach which includes health and well-being, with targeted interventions to regulate the central nervous system, combined with the modern techniques of mindful breathing, and body awareness through somatic movement for the holistic well-being of people, who then in turn have the potential to heal and restore the land, and the natural environment around them.
Please Donate today for our Trauma Informed Permaculture work, to develop Community Leadership Resilience Training for mitigation and adaptation to the threats of climate breakdown, ecological devastation, food shortage and a growing mental health crisis. Kashmir is badly in need of first-hand psycho-social support.
Please visit our Trauma Informed Permaculture site to find out more about TIP
Donate for Mental Health Appeal

There’s a mental-health crisis in the valley where according to a report by MSF, “about 45% of the population in the valley show symptoms of significant mental distress.” Imagine this data drastically changing currently in Kashmir, with the distress from curfews and communication blockade affecting almost every single person living in constant fear there and outside.
We deliver mindfulness training and deep relaxation techniques as part of our People Care programme.
We work closely with our local mental health charities to deliver a Mental Health Camps, where a team consisting of specialist mental health doctors, social workers, trained counsellors, volunteers, support and advice individuals and families who are suffering from PTSD due to the untold horrors of the ongoing conflict in Kashmir.
Please Donate to help us to continue to deliver mental health camps and training more people in Kashmir in the mental health mindfulness training and deep relaxation techniques.
Donate for Kashmir Covid-19 Emergency Appeal

Never before has the value and the importance of strong communities, resilient place-based economies, and healthy local food systems been so clear, as the Corona virus sends shock waves through our lives. While some of us can stay at home safely, others are losing their livelihood, risking their life or facing the loss of loved ones. And for many, social interaction has moved largely online and in Kashmir we know, even simply having access to internet can be a struggle. As we each navigate this new reality, it’s important to keep the big picture in mind. Core features of the global economy — from habitat destruction to factory farming to hyper-urbanization — have heightened the risk of outbreaks like COVID-19.
We are in close contact with our family and GK team and a group of fellow activists and change makers for social reform in Kashmir, and they are telling us that their is a serious shortage of PPE and most urgently required action to reduce the transmission and the spread of the disease will be urgent access to PPE.
Our first priority now is to support our team, our partner organisations, and key influential beneficiaries to help them to get PPE to the key workers on the front line in Kashmir.
We will then look at the bigger picture, and how Green Kashmir can respond to the current crisis with best effect to support agricultural, educational and community-based strategies to build resilience and local community led solutions.
With all this in mind, we have launched the Kashmir Covid-19 emergency appeal to continue to strive in every way to support our team, our partner organisation CAUSE, NGO who are doing incredible work on the ground in these challenging circumstances and they need our support in acquiring and distributing the PPE to the key workers and the Medical staff who are working on the front line in Kashmir.
​But we cannot do this of our own and we need your help. Please help us to support our Kashmiri brothers & sisters working on the front line in Kashmir.
Please donate to the Kashmir Covid-19 emergency appeal
Donate for Memorial Tree Planting in Kashmir. Once you have made your donations, please email us full name of your loved one, and we will plant a tree in honour of your loved one...
email: ecogreenkashmir@gmail.com
The most meaningful memorial is one that will benefit coming generations.
Remembering them with a living tree is an act of love for them, their families, and our earth.
In planting a tree, you are giving the gift of life back to the earth. This can be a most honourable and appropriate gift of remembrance.
A vibrant, beautiful tree benefits everyone... now and for future generations to come. For this reason, a tree provides a wonderful symbol of the continuance of life while benefiting the earth.
Plant a memorial tree in memory of your loved one...