“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Peace Garden
Our aim is to designate, create or have access in Kashmir to an area of peace and tranquillity enabling contemplation on the beauty of our Earth and of the ideals of living in harmony with nature and with our local community.
Initiated and supported by the world-wide network of WORLD PEACE GARDENS.
Peace Garden
Giving Life to Peace
Peace garden is a great way of bringing communities together to plan, work and care for a common project for the benefit and enjoyment of all.
Peace garden helps us to think of what peace could mean, look like, feel like, when we start to consider the shape, colour, types of plants, symbols, messages, spaces we want to create in our own peace garden.
Peace garden helps us to consider our immediate environment. It helps nurture growth and healing, it invites people and nature to come together and creates opportunities for learning how we can care for the earth and one another.
Peace garden offer a space of quite where people can go to de stress and offer reconciliation to one another.
Peace garden help us remember those who have suffered or died through violence.
Peace garden to make a ‘teaching’ space where peace is explored in nature and where symbols of peace can be created through sculptures, art, music, story-telling.
Peace garden to build cooperation between a school, local people and neighbourhood – involving the whole community.
Peace garden to create a sustainable space that needs to be cared for brings us into contact with the cycles of nature.
Peace garden to create a place where food can be grown and shared with the community.
Permacultural Principles and Peace Gardens
The theme of peace and non-violence can be further enhanced by introducing Permacultural Principles of mutually supportive, non-violent husbandry into your garden or public park.
This wonderful system of horticulture encourages the natural innate abilities of most organisms, to nurture, renew and propagate themselves. The system also ensures that plants are placed in organic surroundings, allowing them to receive the range of nutrients needed for healthy growth.
By adopting perennial plants and trees and, by reducing digging to the minimum, the permacultural garden or woodland is carefully designed to help itself, without the use of chemicals and whilst vastly reducing the need for watering.
Crop-yielding trees, bushes and hedges can be grown to give shade to shade-loving pulses, vegetables and herbs, thereby protecting them from harsh winds. Vegetables and plants can be grown together such that they can protect each other from pests and diseases.
Permaculture provides an abundance of beauty and crops co-existing in self-balancing cycles, earth can return to a more natural state, covered by plants, leaves and mulching, supplying nutrients and preventing excessive water evaporation.
The next stage will be to create a network of Peace Gardens to introduce the concept of Permacultural Peace Gardens into Schools, Colleges, even Universities.
Many urbanised children are deprived from experiencing the joy of seeing something they have planted grow and flourish. This alienation from Nature as a source of all life can result in many psychological problems for the young when true spiritual values evolving out of this natural empathy are missing from their lives.
If you agree, why not try to introduce the idea to your local school, college, or university?