“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Our Current programme aims to include:
Introduction to Permaculture courses leading to PDC in Kashmir
Acquiring land for a Permaculture demonstration site as a focal point and central hub
Creating a Permaculture design for this demonstration site
Taking a delegation of students from Kashmir to attend IPC India 2017
Leading a workshop and presentation about the project in Kashmir at the IPC India
Networking and partnerships
Awareness raising about the project
Co-ordinating local and international volunteers on the project
Surveys and training in waste management, composting and recycling
Creating opportunities for displaced young men of meaningful engagement
Victims of trauma being engaged in a safe community space
Promoting kitchen gardens for women
Teaching Permaculture to students in schools, colleges, and university
Creating an open discussion forum for farmers and local growers
Promoting food sovereignty
Our two new additions will be added very shortly
Post & Ongoing Trauma Therapy & Recovery
Animal Welfare Programme
for more info please contact us at: ecogreenkashmir@gmail.com