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“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) is one of the greatest Persian mystics and poets the world has known. His message of love speaks directly to the heart and transcends the limitations of language and the boundaries of time.
Yesterday I was clever,
so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise,
so I am changing myself
To be or not to be
is not my dilemma.
To break away from both worlds
is not bravery.
To be unaware of the wonders
that exist in me,
is real madness!
With friends you grow wings.
you are a single feather in disgrace.
With them you master the wind,
but alone,
you're blown in all directions.

I love my friends
neither with my heart nor with my mind.
Just in case heart might stop, Mind can forget.
I love them with my soul. Soul never stops or forgets

When you’re anxious or worried,
be patient.
The key of patience
opens the door of happiness.

If you want the moon , Do not hide from the night,
If you want a rose , Do not run away from the thorns,
If you want to love , Do not hide from yourself.
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