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“The healing of the land and the purification
of the human spirit is the same process.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Our Aims & Objectives
To educate and to demonstrate to local people the principles and practices of Permaculture
To promote renewable and sustainable energy generation and usage in the region
To promote environmentally friendly waste management systems
To preserve and conserve the heritage of the major waterbodies of the region
To work with local communities to promote eco-friendly sewage waste systems
To support eco-friendly tourism projects
To provide learning opportunities for local people at all levels promoting sustainable development, permaculture principles, and green solutions to environmental degradation
To encourage local action to restore bio-diversity and ecological well-being by sharing skills and resources
To develop partnerships, and to work co-operatively with other environmental projects
To promote tree planting, and to establish a plant nursery for local and native plants and seeds
To provide work and training opportunities for volunteers and students
To engage the local community including local educators in the promotion of sustainable practices, and permaculture principles
To work with women and children towards their empowerment through environmental projects and the regeneration of their locality to demonstrate gender equality
To host events to highlight the importance of the large water bodies of the area as sites of world heritage interest and to promote our core activities
To promote a sense of community, care and well-being for the environment, economy, the people and the wildlife and vegetation that shares this locality
To improve water quality and sanitation and availability of these services
To support the local community to regenerate the area using the principles of permaculture
To promote animal welfare
To assist and promote organic/ free range/poultry/ and to encourage women in traditional ways of hen keeping
To assist in the development of affordable, eco-friendly housing projects
To encourage the benefits to be enjoyed by all without discrimination to race, religion, gender, age, disability, class, sexual orientation.
To use an ethics based, non-partisan, non-political approach concurrent with all projects
To recruit trained personnel and source trainers and experts to ensure skilled participation by them in achieving the objects of the Society

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